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The True WMSCOG | November 6, 2024

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Christ Ahnsahnghong – Guilty by Association

Christ on the Cross with two Criminals

Christ Ahnsahnghong and the fallacy of guilt by association

Many of the websites that speak negatively about Christ Ahnsahnghong and the World Mission Society Church of God use the same logic, that logic is “guilty by association.”  Guilt by association is defined as an inductive informal fallacy, which is also known as a hasty generalization.  Pretty much, if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it’s a duck, and anything that comes from that same country, is also a duck! This fallacy is made as an appeal to emotion and is not based on facts.

Some examples of guilt by association are as follows:

  • Peter is a criminal. Peter is from California. Therefore, all the people from California are criminals.
  • Tom, John, Chris, and Will are all friends of Ray, and they are all corrupt politicians. Tammy is a friend of Ray. Therefore, Tammy is a corrupt politician.

2,000 years ago Jesus was a victim of this fallacy. When Jesus was crucified, He was crucified between two criminals. Although Jesus Himself was not a criminal, I am sure that those who did not know Jesus Christ automatically judged Him and thought of Him as being a criminal as a result of association.

This is the same thing people try to do with the World Mission Society Church of God and Christ Ahnsahnghong. They speak about the Unification Church and Sun Myung Moon, then they say that the World Mission Society Church of God and Christ Ahnsahnghong must be the same since it started in South Korea.

In reality, there are absolutely no similarities in the teachings of the World Mission Society Church of God and the Unification Church. The Unification Church teaches principles that do not come from the Bible, as per their official website:

“Sun Myung Moon studied the Bible and many other religious teachings in order to unravel these mysteries of life and human history.”

The World Mission Society Church of God and the teachings of Christ Ahnsahnghong come strictly from the Bible and nothing else.  The Unification Church keeps Sunday service, Christmas and all other teachings that do not come from the Bible. The World Mission Society Church of God keeps the Passover and the Sabbath of the New Covenant just as Jesus taught 2,000 years ago.

So instead of judging by standards of association with other religious groups, why don’t you try to understand Christ like the disciples did 2,000 years ago?

How did the disciples recognize Jesus 2,000 years ago?

John 4:41-42 – “And because of his words many more became believers. They said to the woman, ‘We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the savior of the world.’”

2,000 years ago, the first thing people considered was His teachings. It was because of His teachings that the people believed He was the savior of the world. What was the second thing they considered?

John 1:44-45 – “Philip, like Andrew and Peter, was from the town of Bethsaida. Philip found Nathanael and told him, ‘We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote – Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.’

The second thing the disciples considered was how Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies of the Old Testament. Then it was because of His teachings and the prophecies He fulfilled that the disciples were able to recognize Jesus Christ as the Savior.

In the same way, it is because of what He taught and the prophecies He fulfilled that I believe Christ Ahnsahnghong is the second coming of Christ – not because of what people say about Him or by how popular He is.

From my research, I can confidently say that there are no similarities between the Unification Church and the World Mission Society Church of God.


If you want to understand about Christ Ahnsahnghong correctly, please come and study the Bible at the World Mission Society Church of God.


  1. Cesar Luna

    “Innocent until proven guilty”. Think about this seriously. Is it right to charge someone guilty before seeing any prove? (No) Can anyone prove Christ Ahnsahnghong guilty? (No) Before judging please know the facts. The reason why I believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong is because of His teaching which comes from the bible and the prophecies which He has fulfilled in the bible. So instead of judging by mere fallacies and generalizations, come and study for yourselves.

    1 Jn. 4:1 – Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

  2. Lorenzo B.

    Truly through the logic of “guilty by association” you can see that people who speak negatively about Christ Ahnsahnghong and WMSCOG have no real evidence. It’s hard to believe that with all the sophisticated and technological advances we have made since the time of Christ that people still use this same out dated logic that was used during the time of Christ. Salvation is the key factor in recognizing the true Christ and Christ Ahnsahnghong has brought us the same salvation Jesus gave to the disciples, the Passover. I say that’s accurate evidence displaying that Christ Ahnsahnghong is our Savior!

  3. Willmary

    This article gives a clear understanding as to why “guilty by association” should never be regarded… especially when it has to do with God and his teachings. The Bible is the manual for our salvation (John 5:39), which is why we use it. But how can the World Mission Society Church of God be associated to the Unification Church if they serve two different purposes? We can see that during the time of Jesus, the disciples did not just believe in him to be their savior because of word-of-mouth but because they themselves, went to learn his teachings (John 4:41-42). They also believed because of the prophesies that he fulfilled (John 1:44-45). Due to the teachings and prophesies revealed by Christ Ahnsahnghong, people in this age know he is the Savior. The prophecies about Jesus Christ were written in the Old Testament (as he declared in Luke 24:27) and through the fulfillments, his disciples came to believe in him. Now, we have all 66 books of the Bible that we can use to identify his second coming, Christ Ahnsahnghong. Therefore, categorizing the World Mission Society Church of God with other religious organizations is not plausible simply by understanding the teachings.

  4. Matthew

    Hitler studyed the bible therefore who ever studies the bible is just as bad as Hitler,this kind of guilty by association fallacy is 100% false,but in the same way that’s how people say towards World mission society church of God and Ahnsahnghong being like the moonies church the idea that two are the same by the similarity that both came from south korea is irational and obsurd. We need to look at what the bible says “Isaiah 29:20-21 NIV

    The ruthless will vanish, the mockers will disappear, and all who have an eye for evil will be cut down— those who with a word make someone out to be guilty, who ensnare the defender in court and with false testimony deprive the innocent of justice.
    God already prophecied about these people. Then insted of listening to ones bound for destruction lets see for our own selfs what the wmscog is all about and why we keep
    Feast of God
    An many other teachings in the bible.

  5. Anthony

    Generalizations can often be helpful in life. If you had an allergic reaction to peanuts, chances are you probably shouldn’t try almonds. Who knows how you’d react to it? You might be able to eat them with no problem, but because of the way things occurred in the past, it would be wise for you to not eat them.

    The problem with the above is that these methods train our minds to overgeneralize and makes us trigger-happy to instantly write off without investigation. Am I saying to attempt to eat something you are likely allergic to? By no means. But when it comes to the spirit and salvation, it’s a different story. No one is allergic to the Bible, and by understanding more about it, you can clearly differentiate the WMSCOG from the Moonies. They are just from the same country. In the end, once you see the doctrines, it’s not comparing peanuts to almonds, rather peanuts to… gold and jewelry. The WMSCOG follows the Bible and has been established by the one the prophecies in the Bible are about, there is no comparing or grouping it.

  6. Charmaine

    There’s a huge difference between the Unification church and Church of God teachings. The Unification church also known as “Moonie”, base their teachings off of a man’s thoughts and opinions. While the Church of God teachings come directly from God, who came in the flesh. What we proclaim is not a belief that the Church of God formed off our own basis however; this is a fact that is scripted in every bible all the way to the original Hebrew text. Since many chose to associate Church of God with churches of similar beliefs they automatic refuse to hear the true words even if it’s recorded in their own bible they read every day. Just as the bible testifies many false prophets will appear and deceive his believers (cf. Matthew 24:11 ) God also made know to His children who will believe no matter what society says John 10:14-16 “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me just as the Father knows me and I know the Father and I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.” While continually listening to the opinions of the majority you would completely miss out on the chance of being the minority, children of promise (cf. Gal 4:28) “for many are invited, but few are chosen” (cf. Matt 22: 14).

  7. Iraci

    No matter what people say, the truth can never be prove wrong .
    WMSCOG has nothing to do with the Unification Church.
    Only the WMSCOG keeps all the commands of God.
    The truth is Christ Ahnsahnghong is second coming Christ God Almighty according with all the prophecy in the bible.

  8. Lucia

    Truth and false appear similar but there is a big difference between them. God allows us to understand about this though the parable of the weeds and wheat (Luke 13:36). Weeds and wheat both appear similar so Christ who worried about the wheat let both grow together until the end when they would be separated. The wheats will be taken to the barn and represent the children of God and the weeds follow lawlessness (nasb). Lawlessness is to break the laws of God. Ultimately the way to distinguish truth from falsehood is whether the church follows the will of God and obeys his laws (Mathew 7:21). Falsehood is to break God’s laws the unification church though they were established in Korea worships on Sunday and the Church of God worships on Saturday according to the teachings of the bible. Though people may feel they look similar ultimately we have to look at the teachings they keep and follow based on the bible not the opinion of men.

  9. Curtis

    Technically, Christianity came from Israel. Then by this logic we could clump together Christians and Jews in one category and say that Christians are just as guilty for the crucifixion of Christ as the Jews are. Since they came from the same place, it is only right to assume this.
    We know this would never happen and Christians would argue against this. So then why is it so hard to see that what they are doing with the Church of God and the Unification Church has no basis for being true?

  10. Mark

    This article truly is great. It really breaks down in laymen terms how so many people come to judge the Christ Ahnsahnghong and the WMSCOG without even knowing anything about them. As someone else said, how can you judge someone guilty, before seeing any proof. If you examined both doctrines of the Unification Church and WMSCOG, you can clearly see they are nothing alike. WMSCOG has always shown to take our teachings directly from Christ and the Apostles examples (Eph 2:19-20), nothing else. As the Unification Church takes their teachings from various books. As someone else, already said as well, judge nothing until the Lord comes (1 Cor 4:5). The Lord has come and showed us the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven. For all those whom the Lord has not come for yet, even your opinions cannot be stated because the Lord has not come for you. Before Christ Ahnsahnghong, no one even knew that there were prophecies of King David, Melchizedek, God who Established Zion, and the list goes on and on. Who revealed them, even though the Bible has been around for 1,600 of years as the #1 sold book. Christ Ahnsahnghong revealed all the mysteries. Thanks be to the Lord, who has opened the gates of heaven through his mercy for all who wish to repent. I hope those who read this article, will come and study the Bible to see the evidence for yourself!

  11. Suhaily

    This article speaks for itself, just because the churches are both in South Korea does not mean they are the same. Take identical twins for example. Twins have different finger & tongue prints, different personalities, likes & dislikes. Even though they appear to look the same they are completely different. In the same way The unification Church and church of God were both founded in South Korea but that’s where the similarity ends. The unification church and the church of God are totally different. Through the teachings of both churches,we can see that these are two separate organizations.

  12. Gabriel

    People prefer to listen to other people instead of God. Where can we find God’s word? Only in the bible, but instead they rather listen and follow man created laws.

  13. Jennifer

    Since we were children, people, teachers, and family have always tried to teach us that we need to think for ourselves and to be leaders and not followers. The saying has never been more true than now. People judge things by their surroundings rather then by the thing itself. The WMSCOG in no way has any similarities to the Unification Church and definitely does not follow the same teachings. The only teachings that can save us should only come from the Bible and of course God. Our opinions or the opinions of another person should not matter when it comes to our life of faith. We should only trust God. Opinions, outward appearances, and different religions cramped together to make one can never save us.
    In the WMSCOG the reason why we can have confidence and hope for Heaven is because we only believe the teachings of the Bible and Bible prophecies. We believe that Christ Ahnsahnhong is God because of what He did and what He taught. These teachings, only God could know and teach. The place of where He was born and where our church began is all according to prophecy. People who say that they truly know God and are saved should know about the 2nd coming of Christ and where the church would be established in the last days because the Bible clearly states when and where He would come, according to the prophecies of The Fig Tree and King David. These are teachings that Christ Ahnsahnghong taught us in the WMSCOG so that we can have firm faith that He is indeed God because of the prophecies that He fulfilled.
    The disciples 2000 years ago could have the same faith in Jesus Christ because they too only believed in God’s word (Bible) and the prophecies that He fulfilled. In John 4:41-42, the people became believers only through Jesus’ word. In John 1:44-45, the disciples believed in Bible prophecy and they were able to recognize Him because He fulfilled all prophecy exactly how it was written. The point of Bible prophecy is so people can believe what has been written. God is the only one capable of telling the end and beginning exactly the way it happened. The same way the disciples believed and learned about Jesus 2000 years ago is the way we should learn and believe in 2nd coming Christ. After all, the reason why we can read about how they believe in Christ was so when the time comes, we can believe in Christ the same way.
    In conclusion, for WMSCOG to be judged by or to say that we are associated with the Unification Church is absurd. The only similarity is that they both were started in the land of Korea. There are in no way enough similarities to say that these two are associated with each or follow the same teachings. UC follows teachings taught by men and from different religions combined to make one. Can a mans teachings save us…NO way. Only God has the power to save us. What did God give us to be saved? He gave us the Bible. WMSCOG only follows the teachings of the Bible, such as Sabbath day, Passover, The Feast of Tabernacles, just as Jesus Christ kept 2000 years ago. This is the only reason why we can believe in Christ Ahnshanghong because He truly is God. He re-established all the Feast of God that the early church kept and fulfilled the prophecies regarding 2nd coming Christ that only God could do. Truly He is our God that has come in the last days to save us by the word of God, not by the words of men.

  14. Jennifer

    Thanks to Father and Mother. We can have firm faith in the true Church of God. We, the members of the Church know that we have the truth because we believe Bible prophecy. Christ Ahnsahnghong has given us spiritual eyes to see the truth. Thanks be to God!!! No matter what country, He fulfilled all of the prophecy in the Bible and this fact makes Him God. “In the lasy days, we can say SURELY this is our God. We believed in Him and He saved us”. AMEN!!!

  15. Mazen

    This article explains how people characterize a person or group as bad when something new is introduced. Actually, what is taught in the Church of God is simply what is in the Bible. We are the only church that follows the teachings of Jesus Christ written down 2,000 years ago. Truth is truth and we keep the law of Christ and are blessed to inherit the heavenly kingdom. This is all thanks to our Heavenly Father and Mother’s love, grace, and mercy.