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The True WMSCOG | December 4, 2024

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Ahnsahnghong or Armstrong, Who Restored the Passover First

Christ Ahnsahnghong restored the Passover of the New covenant, not Herber W. Armstrong

Is Ahnsahnghong the Christ, even though Herbert W. Armstrong came first?


Friend: What makes you think Christ Ahnsahnghong is the Second Coming Christ?

Me: Because he restored the Passover of the New Covenant, which was not being kept since 325 A.D.

Friend: You are wrong, before Ahnsahnghong came, the Worldwide Church of God established by Herbert W. Armstrong was already keeping the Passover. That means that based on what you are saying, that would make Armstrong the Second Coming of Christ.

This is the conversation I had with a friend the other day as I preached to him about Christ Ahnsahnghong, the Second Coming of Christ. Now, this is not the first time I have heard this. I know that those who speak against the Church of God make the same insistence as my friend. For this reason, I am writing this article to discuss this matter.


Why is restoring the Passover significant to identify Second Coming Christ?

One of the many prophecies about Christ’s second coming may be found in the book of Hebrews and it states as follows:


Hebrews 9:28 — “…so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.”


As stated in the prophecy above, Second Coming Christ will appear to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. This means that whoever brings salvation, He is Second Coming Christ.

Then, we must know the definition of salvation according to the Bible?


Luke 1:77 — “…to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins,”


According to the Bible, salvation is receiving the forgiveness of sins. We understand that only God can give us salvation, since it is only God who can forgive our sins (Mark 2:7). This means that God left us a sign to recognize Him at His second coming. That sign is to bring the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of sins!


Celebrate the Passover of the New Covenant to receive the forgiveness of sins.

When you study the Bible you can see that the only way to receive the forgiveness of sins is through the blood of Christ (Eph 1:7). That is why you may often hear Christians say, “I am saved through the blood of Christ”. What many of these Christians do not understand is that we can only receive the blood of Christ through celebrating the New Covenant Passover.


Matthew 26:17-28 — “… So the disciples did as Jesus had directed them and prepared the Passover… While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, ‘Take and eat; this is my body.’ Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, ‘Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.‘”


The only night that Jesus promised us the forgiveness of sins through His blood was on the Passover night. Thus, when we celebrate the Passover, we are accepting God’s covenant,or promise, for the forgiveness of sins.

As the Bible describes, salvation is to receive the knowledge of the forgiveness of sins; and forgiveness of sins is obtained when we celebrate the Passover. In this way, we understand that celebrating the Passover gives us salvation.


Forgiveness of Sins = Eternal Life.

According to the Bible, the wage of sins is death (Ro. 6:23). This means that if we receive the forgiveness of sins, then we also overcome death. For this reason, we may also understand that celebrating the Passover allows us to receive eternal life. This is something that Jesus taught as well.


John 6:53-54 — “Jesus said to them, ‘I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day…'”


When we celebrate the Passover, we eat the body of Christ and drink His blood (Lk 22:19-20; 1 Cor. 10:16). For this reason, we may say that the Passover gives us eternal life.


Armstrong did not restore the Passover of the New Covenant.

The dictionary defines the word “restore” as follows:


Restore: to bring back (a previous right, practice, custom, or situation); to reinstate.


We cannot say that Armstrong restored the Passover, because Armstrong did not teach the Passover for the same reasons that Jesus did. Jesus taught that the Passover gives forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Armstrong only taught the Passover as a law, since he read it in the book of Leviticus, and not explaining the meaning of celebrating the Passover.

Other theologians of the world, know that the Passover is kept once a year, and that the bread and wine represent Jesus’ flesh and blood. However, it was only Christ Ahnsahnghong who taught and emphasized to us the importance of the Passover, to receive God’s promise of eternal life and forgiveness of sins. That is why it is only Christ Ahnsahnghong who restored the Passover, the way of salvation, and thus He fulfills the prophecy of Hebrews 9:28.


Armstrong is far from the prophecies about the Second Coming Christ.

Christ Ahnsahnghong is Jesus who came a second time and there is much more evidence in addition to the restoration of the Passover of the New Covenant. The one who fulfilled all the prophecies of the Bible is Christ Ahnsahnghong. That’s why the World Mission Society Church of God proclaims to the world that Christ Ahnsahnghong is Jesus who has come a second time.

Please understand that we confidently believe Christ Ahnsahnghong is the second coming of Christ because of the fulfillment of Bible prophecy and His restoration of the Passover is one of many signs to recognize He is God. As I will explain below, when we take a look at more and more prophecies about the second coming of Christ, it becomes clearer that Armstrong has nothing to do with Christ. The prophecies about Second Coming Christ are all fulfilled by Christ Ahnsahnghong. Below are just two examples of prophecies about the second coming of Christ, which were fulfilled by Christ Ahnsahnghong and not by Armstrong.


1. Christ must appear and be baptized when the fig tree blossoms again. 

According to the prophecy of the fig tree, Second Coming Christ has to appear in 1948 when the nation of Israel was rebuilt. However, Armstrong was baptized in 1927 and became a minister in 1931. In other words, he started his ministry before 1948. Armstrong did not fulfill the prophecy of the fig tree.

2. Christ must appear from east with the Seal of God.

According to Revelation 7:1-3, the Second Coming Christ must bring the seal of God right after 1945 when World War 2 ended. He must also appear from the east of the island of Patmos on the outskirts of the nation Greece. According to Rev 1:9, John was on the island of Patmos when he saw the Savior coming from the east, and He must teach the Passover is the seal of God which protects us from the last disaster.

However, Armstrong began his ministry “before 1945” and he appeared in the west (United States). Armstrong never taught that the Passover is the seal of God, which protects us from the last disaster. Therefore, Armstrong is far from the fulfillment of the prophecies of Second Coming Christ as identified in the Bible.


Herbert W. Armstrong did not restore the Passover, Christ Ahnsahnghong did

Short History of Herbert Armstrong and his church. 

  • 1892: Born in a Quaker Family. Kept Sunday service regularly
  • 1924: Moved to Eugene, Oregon. Later, his wife converted to one of the branches of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, which did not acknowledge the authority of Ellen G. White. Also, Armstrong insisted that God the Father and God the Son are different just as Jehovah’s Witnesses’ claim, and that the Holy Spirit is not an entity with human characteristics. Similar to the Mormon doctrine, he insisted that the Native Americans are one of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. Armstrong argued that the people from England — the English people who crossed to the new continent, including Americans — are the direct lineal descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. His wife began to preach to him about the Sabbath, and from this point on, Armstrong began to study the Bible and had the conviction that the Sabbath is true.
  • 1927: Armstrong was baptized (at the age of 35)
  • 1931: Became a minister in the Church
  • 1934: Established the Radio Church of God through a radio broadcast
  • 1968: Renamed the Church to the Worldwide Church of God
  • 1970s: The church was divided into different smaller sects
  • 1986: Armstrong died (He worked as a minister for 55 years, and 59 years from the time of his baptism)


After reviewing that brief history and studying about the prophecies about Second Coming Christ, you will be able to see many points why Herbert W. Armstrong is not the second coming of Christ. Furthermore, the Passover he taught was not the restoration of the Passover that Jesus preached and celebrated with the Apostles.

In these days, it is only Christ Ahnsahnghong who fulfilled all the Bible prophecies about the Second Coming Christ, including the prophecy about the restoration of the Passover of the New Covenant. If you have questions about Christ Ahnsahnghong, please visit your nearest World Mission Society Church of God and study the Bible with an open mind.


Video on the History of the Passover


  1. Teahna

    I am so proud to be a member of the World Mission Society Church of God. This article is very useful it educates you on the things many people are saying about our church. It’s so true to be the 2nd coming Christ you must fulfill all prophecy. Christ Ahnsahnghong came as prophesied brought us the Passover & the foot washing ceremony & all the Feast of God. Salvation is so important that’s why each member diligently preaches the Passover, no other church does that but the World Mission Society Church of God. That’s because Christ Ahnsahnghong left this example to us. Did Herbert Armstrong preach the Passover to save souls? Did he explain why the Passover is so important? The Passover is the core truth to the Bible without the Passover we would have no hope for heaven. I am extremely thankful that we know who the true 2nd coming Christ is. He is CHRIST AHNSAHNGHONG!

  2. Dallas

    Wow, I am so happy to read this article and clearly see our Savior in the last days is Christ Ahnsahnghong. I think the most powerful verse in this topic was Luke 1:77 “…to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins.” So amazing that its not just knowledge. We have to recognize the value and reason for Gods command which is the love of God in giving us the forgiveness of sins. It reminds me that in order to clearly recognize Christ we have to understand what sin is and where it started. If you have’nt studied the Forgiveness of Sins at the World Mission Society Church of God you should go and study immediately. I give all thanks and praise to our God, Christ Ahnsahnghong for his teachings and great love for us!

  3. David

    When I first came to the Church of God it was on the strength of the Sabbath Day which is a truth of the Bible. Being that the Sunday worshipers can’t even get get the correct day of worship right it’s no wonder they they would use him as a way for them to have an “Ah Ha” moment they’ve discovered something to refute our truth, however once again they prove they don’t understand the power of God or the scriptures. The one thing I’ve understood from the beginning is that God has an appointed time for everything. Since they go by the worldly calendar and not God’s they mistake the Passover that Armstrong with the New Covenant Passover that Jesus established. They don’t even believe in it because they keep a man made law in communion. Hebrews 9v28 tells us Christ will appear again to bring salvation. What helped me believe Ahnsahnghong was the 2nd coming Christ was when I looked up the definition of the word salvation is to be saved protected from disasters. We know hell is the ultimate disaster we are trying to protect ourselves from but the only thing in the Bible that gives us protection from physical disasters is the Old Covenant Passover in Exodus chap. 12 which God says means disaster will pass over you that no destructive plague will touch you. Knowing that the Old Testament is a copy and shadow of the New Testament it means the Passover will also be kept in the New Testament times. 1 Corinthians5v7 tells us it is. Christ Ahnsanghong’s teaching of keeping the Passover according to the Sacred Calendar, which is God’s calendar proves he is God in the flesh. The New Covenant in Christ’s flesh and blood gives us forgiveness of sins which equals salvation. The fact we are the only church who keeps the Passover in this way proves we are on the narrow path while the Sunday Churches are on the wide open path. I give all thanks, all praise and all glory to Christ Ahngsahnhong for the love, mercy and grace for giving such a wretched sinner the forgiveness of my sins which I truly deserve to burn for. Thank you Father

  4. Max

    If anything it says Armstrong denies biblical prophecy Isaiah 9:6 (the trinity). God the Father Jehovah will come in the flesh as Jesus Christ. How can Armstrong be God in the flesh if he denies the whole concept of God coming in the flesh it doesn’t make sense. He is a false prophet, he is a liar, and world mission society church of God has nothing to do with him. From an elementary bible study we can see he is not acquainted with the teachings of righteousness.

  5. Des

    How foolish to deny the prophecies made clear throughout the entire Bible, only to hold on to a weak tether of false hope that one might finally have a way to disprove what is truth – Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother are God who mercifully came to guide us back to heaven. How foolish to refuse the greatest gift we could ever receive or to go so far as to try to deny someone else from receiving, all on account of baseless pride or desire to be in control of what in reality belongs to God. The prophecies say that the evil will not stop trying to separate the children from God but it also says the wicked-minded will suffer and regret greatly in the end. I hope everyone can let go of their pride and find some real problem in the world to direct their energy toward.

  6. Grissel Diaz

    My Dad used to go to this kind of Armstrong church in Florida, after studying the bible at WMSCOG he was clearly able to see difference. The law leads to Christ. He was never able to see all the realities in that church because they only taught it as law, never revealing how it was meant to lead you to Christ. The day my dad got baptized he called me in tears saying how happy he was to have finally met Heavenly Mother. He was referring to all the teachings he saw that day in the bible revealing Heavenly Mother.

  7. Chioeve

    Amen! Thank you so much for sharing the truth!

  8. milton claros

    Amen! Nothing could ever stop the truth of God, those opposing the WMSCOG at the end are fighting against God. Just like at Jesus’ first coming even though the so call “teacher of the law” could not prove Jesus wrong trough THE BIBLE, the hated him simply because they felt exposed(their sins) by the Truth. It is the same now those who are not from God will hated and persecute Christ. God bless you True WMSGOG!!

  9. Curtis

    If Herbert really was the 2nd coming Christ based on him celebrating the Passover, he should have also mentioned the reality of the flesh and blood… our Heavenly Mother. However, only Last Adam could make that testimony.

  10. Amanda

    WOW! I am blown away! This is a really amazing article. Thank you so much for sharing!

  11. Yema

    This article is awesome! I just sent it to my friend who is a member of Herbert’s church. Just last month she and I went back and forth in a friendly debate because she keeps the feasts of the Bible too (I say the feasts of the Bible and not feasts of God because clearly God did not restore the feasts in her church). Actually, she has no idea about the promises of the feasts, she simply keeps the law. It’s so true as what’s written in this article! Even the religious leaders kept the law 2000 years ago but rejected God who was right in front of them (Jesus). What’s important is not the law itself but Christ who gives it to us. I really hope everyone (including my friend) can come to realize the truth of salvation given only by Christ Ahnsahnghong and Mother.

  12. Victoria

    If one states that a person is Christ, their statement also means that that particular person is God Almighty because the ‘Christ’ is ‘God in the flesh’.
    When God came in the flesh 2,000 years ago with the name Jesus, He forgave our sins by His blood of the Passover. Don’t forget, we can only be forgiven by the One whom we sinned against. This is clear validation that Jesus is our Father who is God.
    Without forgiveness, there is no way we can be saved from our sins. Being that the Passover was abolished since then, it must be restored so salvation can be attained, and according to the bible it is 2nd Coming Christ who must restore it.
    Simply put, Armstrong cannot be 2nd Coming Christ because he is not our Father who is God Almighty whom we committed sin against. He does not have the ability to forgive our sins no matter how much of the law he taught.
    On the other hand, Christ Ahnsahnghong IS 2nd Coming Christ AND God Almighty who forgave each of us by restoring the truth of the Passover, among every other truth. I give thanks to God Ahnsahnghong for forgiveness, and hope that those who have this misconception may humbly realize the love of our Father embedded in the Passover.

  13. marquis

    Wow this is truly amazing! You can’t deNY prophecy, only Christ Ahnsahnghong is the savior who came preaching the Passover for our salvation, so thankful to Father and all his teachings that lead us to heaven

  14. Antonia

    There’s absolutely no way that Armstrong is the second coming Christ. Only through the bible can we know the true Christ. His name is Christ Ahnsahnghong and he fulfilled all the bible prophesies! Amazing article!

  15. Curtis T

    Passover is just one of the many prophecies that Christ had to fulfilled. If you compile all the prophecies that testify to the Christ, Armstrong falls short.