In the book: “The New Jerusalem and the Bride: Interpretation on Women’s Veil”, Ahnsahnghong already let us know who is...
Read moreDetailsMany people claim that the original Church which Christ Ahnsahnghong established is the NCPCOG, however are they really holding true...
Read moreDetailsThe criticism against Christ Ahnsahnghong and the WMSCOG comes from a fallacy knows as guilt by association. Christ Ahnsahnghong is...
Read moreDetailsIt is said that Christ Ahnsahnghong taught contrary to the greatest commandment, by preaching that the Passover is more important...
Read moreDetailsExplanation of why Christ Ahnsahnghong saying Jesus entered the most Holy Place a second time doesn't contradict the Bible.
Read moreDetailsChrist Ahnsahnghong did testify He was the Christ. He did it the same way Jesus did it 2,000 years ago...Through...
Read moreDetailsPeople say that they do not believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong because He never claimed to be God, however those who...
Read moreDetailsWhy does the NCPCOG speak against the existence of Heavenly Mother, and, by this, stand against the teachings of Christ...
Read moreDetailsHeavenly Mother, did Chris Ahnsahnghong really testify to Her existence? or was that just a rumor made by the World...
Read moreDetailsIn the preface of the book "Unsealing the seven thunders", Christ Ahnsahnghong spoke of a child coming after Him. Who...
Read moreDetailsThrough many different testimonies Christ Ahnsahnghong revealed the existence of Zahng Gil Jah as Heavenly Mother, giving us evidence of...
Read moreDetailsChrist Ahnsahnghong said that there is no bride, when speaking about Um Soo In, not about Heavenly Mother Jerusalem.
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