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The True WMSCOG | September 21, 2024

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The Falsified Baptism List of Christ Ahnsahnghong

The Falsified Baptism List of Christ Ahnsahnghong

Background and Context

Today, some people who reject the idea that Christ Ahnsahnghong is the Second Coming of Christ are now arguing that He was not baptized in 1948. They rely on a baptism list from a Seventh-day Adventist Church, which claims He was baptized in 1954. However, this baptism list has been proven to be false and fabricated. Let’s investigate the falsified baptism list of Christ Ahnsahnghong.

Impact of the Korean War.

Christ Ahnsahnghong was baptized in 1948, and in 1950 the Korean war broke out. The Korean war lasted for 3 years, and it was one of the most devastating wars in history. During this period, the war destroyed approximately one-third of South Korean homes and 40% of its industrial infrastructure. Civilian life was severely impacted. Residences and personal belongings were damaged or obliterated by bombings and shelling, especially during the peak of the conflict in 1950.[1]

The Korean War destroyed many Seventh-day Adventist Church documents. The church even acknowledged that the baptism list from 1948 no longer exists.

Evidence of 1948 Baptism

There are several pieces of evidence showing that Christ Ahnsahnghong was baptized in 1948.

Evidence includes:

  • A note in Christ Ahnsahnghong’s Bible.
  • A report by the 12th General Assembly of the Christian Council of Korea.

First, we can look at His own handwriting in the last Bible He used. When we examine this Bible, which is displayed in the Church of God History Museum, we see the following note:

“I was baptized in the Island of Nakseom, Incheon in 1948, and I began to preach our truth.”

Why did Christ Ahnsahnghong write that note in His Bible? The truth is that during that time, the date of His baptism was not a contentious issue. One can say that He likely wrote it simply to mark His Bible, but in retrospect, this gives us more confidence that Christ Ahnsahnghong knows the end from the beginning and foresaw that people would question His baptism date.

Another piece of evidence comes from a report by the 12th General Assembly of the Christian Council of Korea. I cite this source to show that even groups opposing the Church of God and labeling it a heresy do not deny that Christ Ahnsahnghong joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1947 and was baptized in 1948. This report was released after the Council of Churches decided to investigate our Church.

“The Church of God worships Ahnsahnghong as their leader. He was born in Myoung Deok-Ri, Gyenam-myeon, Jangsu-gun, Jeollbuk-do In January 13, 1918, became a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in 1947, was baptized by Pastor Lee Myoung Deok of the Seventh Day Adventist Church at the age of 30, and actively worked for the church until 1962.”

Even those who disagree with our Church doctrine admit that Christ Ahnsahnghong was baptized in 1948. Therefore, it is an undeniable fact that Christ Ahnsahnghong was baptized in that year.

The two pieces of evidence mentioned above confirm that Christ Ahnsahnghong was baptized in 1948, in accordance with prophecy. According to the Bible, Christ Ahnsahnghong was baptized in 1948 to begin His ministry at the age of 30, the same year Israel gained its independence. He then carried out His ministry for 37 years, thus fulfilling the prophecy of King David.

Debunking the Falsified Baptism List of Christ Ahnsahnghong.

At some point, a document began circulating that misrepresented the year Christ Ahnsahnghong was baptized. This “baptism list” from the Seventh-day Adventist Church claimed that Christ Ahnsahnghong was baptized in 1954 instead of 1948. Below is a photo of this so-called evidence.

In this document, dates are written using the traditional Korean method of reckoning years known as the Dangun Era.[2] To determine the current year in the Dangun Era, you subtract 2333 years from the given date, and that will give you the corresponding Gregorian calendar year.

Analyzing the Seventh-day Adventist Document

A quick look reveals numerous errors in this document. Typically, baptism lists should list individuals in chronological order based on their baptism dates. However, entry #24, Yeongsuk Kim, was baptized in 1925, a full 29 years before 1954, yet he is recorded as being baptized after Ahnsahnghong. How do they explain this bizarre regression in baptism dates?

The remaining baptism dates are all over the place. If we follow the sequence from #23 to #29, it’s as if this baptizer has a time machine, hopping back and forth to baptize people at different points in history. Check this out: #23 was baptized in 1954, then #24 in 1925, #25 in 1953, #26 in 1959, #27 has no baptism date, #28 in 1958, and finally #29 in 1954. So… one in 1954, then a trip back to 1925 for the next, followed by 1953, 1959, a missing one, back to 1958, and then a return to 1954 for the last. It’s like something out of a sci-fi movie—Marty McFly would be jealous of this baptizer!

Looking at the baptism dates, they span over a 34-year period. What kind of Church records baptism dates like this? In many ways, it’s clear this document isn’t a proper baptism list.

“Wait! Its not a baptism list, but it’s a Church registration book”

When the error about the falsified baptism list of Christ Ahnsahnghong they claimed to receive from the Seventh Day Adventist Church was exposed, they suddenly changed their tune. Now they’re saying, “This is the church registration book, not a baptism list.”

They argue that a church registration book lists names based on when individuals became members. Baptism, they claim, happens when people choose to undergo it. So, the sequence of baptisms doesn’t matter. However, it’s puzzling that someone who wasn’t baptized would be recorded in their books, especially since the Seventh Day Adventist Church recognizes individuals as official members only after baptism.

They should just come clean and admit that this document has been tampered with, but they keep making excuses. While it might seem ancient, a closer look reveals a jumble of years and flawed information, making it clear that this document is a fake.

What Happened in the Past Will Happen Again.

One lie leads to another. Just like the priests 2,000 years ago who bribed Roman soldiers to spread false rumors.

While the women were on their way, some of the guards went into the city and reported to the chief priests everything that had happened. When the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money, telling them, “You are to say, ‘His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep.’ If this report gets to the governor, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble.” So the soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed. And this story has been widely circulated among the Jews to this very day.

Matthew 28:11-15 NIV

Even today, those who oppose the Church of God are spreading false rumors online. One of their deceptive ploys is the so-called baptism list or registration book of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

Why do they resort to creating fake documents like this? It’s because they can’t challenge us with the Bible. The Bible testifies about Christ (John 5:39), so they can’t deny Christ using the very book that speaks about Him.

Conclusion of the Matter.

1948 marks the fulfillment of the fig tree prophecy, an absolute prophecy and Biblical evidence that the Second Coming of Christ must occur in that year. So, those who attempt to discredit Christ Ahnsahnghong should explain: if not Ahnsahnghong, then who was baptized in 1948 and appeared as the Second Coming Christ to fulfill the fig tree prophecy?

[1] Encyclopedia Britannica Online, s.v. “Korean War,” accessed May 22, 2024,

[2] The Dangun Era (단군기원, Dangun Giwon) is a traditional Korean method of reckoning years, starting from the legendary founding of Gojoseon by Dangun, a mythical figure, in 2333 BCE. To calculate the current year in the Dangun Era, you simply add 2333 years to the current Gregorian calendar year.

For example, if the current year is 2024:


So, the year 2024 in the Gregorian calendar corresponds to the year 4357 in the Dangun Era.

Korean calendar,years%20were%204278%20to%204294. Accessed [05/22/2024].

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  1. Cameron

    I just read this article and found it absolutely fascinating. It’s shameful how far some people will go to produce false documents just to hide the truth. The fact that they tried to conceal it with these fabrications only further proves that Ahnsahnghong truly is the Savior who was prophesied to come into the world. He is the Second Coming Christ.

  2. Even though people might try to cover up prophecy fulfillment, nobody can obstruct God’s plan. No matter what, God will fulfill what He has purposed 😀. Their false evidence is easily dismantled when you look into things further.

  3. Jenny

    Wow, this article is incredibly informative! There’s no denying that the Bible and Ahnsahnghong fulfilled the prophecies that only the Second Coming of Christ should fulfill. Truth is truth, no matter how often it is tampered with

  4. John

    With all of the information going around on the internet, it’s hard to determine what is true. For that reason, I’m not one to believe the first thing I hear. I appreciate that you took the time to present the facts.

  5. Tina

    Thank you for always being so detailed and revealing the truth. No matter what the truth will be revealed! And we only know about the truth because of Christ Ahnsahnghong, so whatever he says is the truth, not falsified documents from organizations with intentions only to cover their lies.

  6. Juan Machuca

    Truth is truth no matter what people say or fabricate. There is no one else in history who fulfilled the prophecy of the fig tree lesson in 1948 and also restored the New Covenant Passover, only Christ Ahnsahnghong! I hope people can see past these false documents and trust and believe in the savior testied in the Bible. 🙏🏼

  7. Americo

    I’m so happy this article came out. It’s so easy to make a hasty conclusion by not taking the time to look at what it really is.
    Actually, all of the false accusations against 2nd Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong are like that- over and over again their claims are hollow and clearly fabricated.

    But through this one, I hope those reading can really be awakened;
    I mean, it’s incredible- even though you can clearly see how inaccurate the records of that document are, it’s still being posed as something plausible. I really hope those reading this can realize the lengths of absurdity those against what’s true will do to try and cover something up.

    The only reason people fall into their traps is because they just don’t take time to actually see what really transpired. The battle between Satan and 2nd Coming Christ is not a
    kind of “he said, she said” argument, that can’t be discerned; the false claims are just clearly false, plain and simple.

    I’m so thankful this page was put out- everyone should take the 10 minutes to read it, as to not be tricked by falsehood that is clearly hollow.
    I look forward to sharing this one:-)!

  8. Rebecca

    Wowow! This is such a great article! Mat 28:11-15 summed up this article for me. Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother are The true Saviors in our age. So many amazing prophecies He fulfilled. I love the part where it says that even those who don’t agree can’t help to show evidence that Father fulfilled the prophecies and how those who continue to deny the truth could never use the Bible but instead try to distort the truth of God in other ways. It makes so much sense why Christ called the false prophets snakes and ferocious wolves, distorting the truth just so God’s children can’t be saved but in the end no matter what God and God’s true people will win the battle.

  9. Vanessa

    I appreciate this so much! People continuously try to deny that Christ Ahnsahnghong is God, because of false info and news, but if one studies the bible, there is no denying that He is the 2nd Coming Christ!

  10. Leandro Salcedo

    The truth is truth regardless of what people claim. Christ Ahnsahnghong testified to his baptism with his own handwriting, what can be more clearer evidence than that! Please study the prophecies correctly before believe groundless rumor and fictitious stories.

  11. Joey

    This is such a great and informational article. Anyone who has a misunderstanding about the baptism of Christ Ahnsahnghong needs to read this. It will clear up so much.

  12. Tiffany N

    This is an excellent article. It thoroughly debunks any false claims regarding Christ Ahnsahnghong’s baptism. It is perplexing how some people focus on matters they seemingly have no genuine interest in. Nevertheless, prophecy must be fulfilled. I am grateful to God for allowing me to see the truth.

  13. JR

    The evidence is clear the Christian Council of Korea is proof enough and hand written notes from the person who wrote an important date on his own Bible. People try to tamper with documents in all fields on all different levels but the proof is in the pudding. This is the reason why there is always a way to authenticate documents. When there is clear evidence also known as proof to defend the truth it will win each time because the TRUTH is the TRUTH there is no way around it. A lie is a lie and will always be
    proven false with evidence that proves what is TRUTH. There are people who believe the truth and others who choose to believe lies in all generations this has happened as recorded in the Bible as well.

  14. J’apprécie beaucoup cet article
    On peut voir que l’histoire se répète 2000 de cela les scribes et les pharisiens voulaient altéré la vérité concernant la résurrection de jésus en donnant de l’argent au soldat romain, de nos jours les faux prophètes veulent falsifier la date du baptême de christ Ahnsahnghong mais en dépit de tout la vérité finit toujours par triompher. Christ Ahnsahnghong est vraiment le second Christ prophétisé dans la bible

  15. Sandrine

    A remarkable read! Wow, such undeniable proofs about how Christ Ahnsahnghong is our Savior and fulfilled all prophecy. Moreover, having foreseen the future, His handwritten notes clearly illuminate everything. I give thanks to God for His thoughts are far beyond ours.