Who is Michele Colon?
Michele Colon, a former member of the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG), has been a very vocal critic of the Church since she stopped attending the Church in 2011. Since ending her membership, Michele Colon has blamed the Church for “destroying her marriage.” She wants to warn the public so that other relationships are not “destroyed” by the Church. Recently, Michele Colon has been featured in stories about the Church, where she has told her story and made other scandalous accusations about the Church.
In an effort to support these groundless allegations, a civil suit, which Michele Colon filed against the Church, is brought up. However, they fail to point out that the court dismissed the suit with prejudice at the onset of the case. They also fail to mention that Michele Colon’s defamatory allegations have led to violent threats against the Church and its members. This led the court to grant a protective order to the Church in Ridgewood, NJ.
Michele Colon’s Ex-husband
The articles also fail to provide the audience with the personal testimony of Michele Colon’s ex-husband, which he gave under oath via certification to the court. Michele’s ex-husband reached out to me and said that no one from the media outlets reached out to him to ask him his take on all of this, and that his wish was for people to somehow know his side of the story.
Michele’s ex-husband asked that I put his story out for everyone to read it. The following were his exact words to me:
Unlike Michele, I am not doing this to become famous. I would prefer to have my private life remain private. But I am tired of Michele Colon making herself out to be a victim, when the truth is something else. No one from the media reached out to me and I want people to understand that there is no Michele Colon story without me.
Let me explain. What people are missing in this whole story is that at the time of Michele’s entire membership in the Church, we were together, and so I was with her always when she attended the Church, besides her first week prior to my membership. So other than that, we both attended at the same time to study, worship, etc. Whenever Michele attended the church, I was present. You have no idea the damage she has caused me and my faith and it is not fair for her to continue going out there telling her story without my side of the story.
Though she left the Church of God and made every effort to remove me from it, I remained a member, for a good reason—it’s because all of the allegations made by Michele are absolutely false. She was never told the world would end in 2012. She was never sleep deprived. She did not attend countless hours of worship. She was never expected to spend all her free time in the church. She was never in church until 1 or 2 in the morning. The church never forbade her from using the internet. I was there with her during her membership. I know that all the things she is saying are not true.
The only reason she began her campaign against the Church was because when she decided to leave the Church, I decided to stay. From that time on, Michele made it her mission to get me out of the Church by any means necessary. Michele blames the Church for our failed marriage. The truth is that our divorce was the result of her religious intolerance and abuse towards me because I wanted to remain a member of the Church. It seems that for her, it was more a loss against the Church rather than the loss of her husband, which is why she maliciously campaigns against the Church, bringing up false claims to stir up negative propaganda.
Although Michele’s ex-husband granted me permission to use his story in this series of articles, I chose to leave his name out of it in order to respect his privacy.
This is not a “Smear Campaign”

Contrary to what some people would like to believe, this series of articles are not a “smear campaign” on Michele Colon. What I am doing through these articles is providing a vehicle for Michele’s ex-husband to tell his side of the story. Since none of the media outlets that reported on Colon reached out to him, we cannot say that they were fair in their reporting.
If Michele Colon had a perfect relationship with her ex-husband, and then suddenly everything went downhill since the membership in the Church, then we can say the Church is to blame. But from what we see in the other side of the story, the relationship was already rocky without the Church’s involvement. And the only reason it became stable was when they joined the Church.
Keeping the following verse in mind:
Proverbs 18:17 The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him.
With this in mind, please read all 5 parts of the series “Michele Colon Ruined Our Marriage.” The untold story of Michele Colon’s ex-husband and the truth behind their membership in the World Mission Society Church of God.