The Falsified Baptism List of Christ Ahnsahnghong
Background and Context Today, some people who reject the idea that Christ Ahnsahnghong is the Second Coming of Christ are ...
Background and Context Today, some people who reject the idea that Christ Ahnsahnghong is the Second Coming of Christ are ...
What is the royal we? Where did it come from? does it really explain why in Genesis 1:26 God said, ...
How did Christ Ahnsahnghong testified to Him being the Christ? come and read for yourself?
The WMSCOG is wrong, and Ahnsahnghong is not second coming Christ according to Matthew 24:23-26
According to the book of Romans 6:9, Christ will not die again, but since Christ Ahnsahnghong died, He cannot be ...
Christ Ahnsahnghong did not fulfill the prophecy of King David because He was a member of the Seventh Day Adventist ...
The World Mission Society Church of God contradicts the teachings of Christ Ahnsahnghong, by teaching that salvation is given in ...
Why do the teachings of Christ Ahnsahnghong contradict what the World Mission Society Church of God teaches? Isn't Christ Ahnsahnghong ...
Christ Ahnsahnghong cannot be the Christ because in His writings He contradicts what the Bible teaches. Does He really know ...
It is said that Christ Ahnsahnghong taught contrary to the greatest commandment, by preaching that the Passover is more important ...
Explanation of why Christ Ahnsahnghong saying Jesus entered the most Holy Place a second time doesn't contradict the Bible.
I came across an article, the author of this article brags about having unveiled the failed predictions of the World ...
Heavenly Mother, did Chris Ahnsahnghong really testify to Her existence? or was that just a rumor made by the World ...
In the preface of the book "Unsealing the seven thunders", Christ Ahnsahnghong spoke of a child coming after Him. Who ...