False Report About the WMSCOG in Mongolia
On Tuesday, September 6th, 2011, the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) in Mongolia was part of a broadcast ...
On Tuesday, September 6th, 2011, the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) in Mongolia was part of a broadcast ...
Critics of the World Mission Society Church of God accuse the Church of practicing "deceptive recruitment." What exactly does that ...
Love Bombing is the reason they are nice to you at the World Mission Society Church of God. This is ...
Does the World Mission Society Church of God use fear and guilt to fuel itself? No. The Church simply teaches ...
“Michele Colon Ruined Our Marriage.” The untold story of Michele Colon’s ex-husband and the truth behind their membership in the ...
Michele Colon claims the World Mission Society Church of God ruined her marriage. But her ex-husband clarifies the story, by ...
Michele Colon began a campaign, which even included deception, to try to get her ex-husband to leave World Mission Society ...
Michele Colon sudden change began to create conflicts in her relationship. Read part 3 of the series "Michele Colon Ruined ...
Michele Colon accuses the World Mission Society Church of God of "pressuring" her to spend time in the Church. Her ...
Michele Colon accuses the World Mission Society Church of God of "destroying her marriage." But what does her ex-husband have ...
World Mission Society Church of God has changed peoples lives in a positive way. Watch a video where Cassie shares ...
Frank and Melissa are members of the World Mission Society Church of God, does the Church really encourage its members ...
Is the World Mission Society Church of God Racist? and do they really encourage its members to have abortions? please ...
Does the World Mission Society Church of God encourage its members to have abortions? Watch John and Stephanie (current church ...