God the Mother or the Royal We?
What is the royal we? Where did it come from? does it really explain why in Genesis 1:26 God said, ...
What is the royal we? Where did it come from? does it really explain why in Genesis 1:26 God said, ...
Some people say that the "us" in Genesis 1:26 refers to the Trinity. However, that is not the case. It's ...
Have you ever heard of God the Mother? If you have been asked this question, if you have you want ...
Is the World Mission Society Church of God an evil organization as everyone likes to make it seem? I would ...
If Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother are God, why did they have their own families with children? is that really ...
Christ Ahnsahnghong did not believe that the idea of a "Mother God" was delusional, but instead that a woman named ...
Why did Christ Ahnsahnghong write the book against Heavenly Mother? What was happening at the time Christ Ahnsahnghong wrote the ...
In the book: “The New Jerusalem and the Bride: Interpretation on Women’s Veil”, Ahnsahnghong already let us know who is ...
Why does the NCPCOG speak against the existence of Heavenly Mother, and, by this, stand against the teachings of Christ ...
Heavenly Mother, did Chris Ahnsahnghong really testify to Her existence? or was that just a rumor made by the World ...
In the preface of the book "Unsealing the seven thunders", Christ Ahnsahnghong spoke of a child coming after Him. Who ...
Through many different testimonies Christ Ahnsahnghong revealed the existence of Zahng Gil Jah as Heavenly Mother, giving us evidence of ...
Christ Ahnsahnghong said that there is no bride, when speaking about Um Soo In, not about Heavenly Mother Jerusalem.