How did Ahnsahnghong say He was Christ? Pt. 3
How did Christ Ahnsahnghong testified to Him being the Christ? come and read for yourself?
How did Christ Ahnsahnghong testified to Him being the Christ? come and read for yourself?
Since Christ Ahnsahnghong said that the New Jerusalem in heaven is an actual place, does that men that there is ...
If Christ Ahnsahnghong taught that Eve represents the angels, Why does the World Mission Society Church of God teach that ...
The World Mission Society Church of God contradicts the teachings of Christ Ahnsahnghong, by teaching that salvation is given in ...
How did Christ Ahnsahnghong say He was the Christ? From what I have heard He never said those words even ...
It is said that Christ Ahnsahnghong taught contrary to the greatest commandment, by preaching that the Passover is more important ...
Explanation of why Christ Ahnsahnghong saying Jesus entered the most Holy Place a second time doesn't contradict the Bible.
Christ Ahnsahnghong did testify He was the Christ. He did it the same way Jesus did it 2,000 years ago...Through ...
Through many different testimonies Christ Ahnsahnghong revealed the existence of Zahng Gil Jah as Heavenly Mother, giving us evidence of ...