According the Matthew 24 Christ Ahnsahnghong is a false prophet?
In the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) we believe Christ Ahnsahnghong is the Second coming of Christ, we often tell people that according to the lesson of the fig tree, Second Coming Christ already appeared in 1948, and that He came in the same way as 2,000 years ago; that is as a human being. When we tell people about this, they often say that it cannot be possible, because of several reasons, but one of them is the following verse:
Matthew 24:23-26 – At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect – if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time. “So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the desert,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it…
They go on to say, that since the Bible said not to believe anyone who says: “Here is the Christ, or there he is” then Christ Ahnsahnghong is a false Christ, and therefore they cannot believe in Him. But there is a couple of things we have to realize on how this verse does not apply to Christ Ahnsahnghong and the WMSCOG.
Even if the real Christ appears we won’t be able to believe in Him.
If we interpret the verse above without taking into consideration the context then we cannot believe even if the real Christ appears. For if someone says: “look here is the Christ”, even if it is the real one, we can’t believe it; or if someone says: “look Christ is over there”, even if it is the real one, we can’t believe it. So how are we supposed to believe the real one when He does appear?
What we need to understand is that Jesus was giving this warning to His disciples — to the ones who had already met the Christ – to them Jesus said: “If anyone says to you, here is the Christ or there He is do not believe it.” So what disciples was Jesus speaking to? If we read a few verses before we can understand.
Matthew 24:20 – Pray that your flight will not take place in the winter or on the Sabbath.
As we can see through the verse above, Jesus was speaking to His disciples who were keepers of the Sabbath day, to the disciples who are indeed keeping God’s commandments, not to the ones who disobey Gods commandments, by keeping Sunday as the day of worship to God.
Second Coming Christ will appear to those who are waiting for Him.
Now one thing that we have to admit is that second coming Christ will surely appear to bring salvation, but according to the Bible, this salvation will not be given to everyone.
Hebrews 9:28 – so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.
As we can see through the passage above, when second coming Christ appears, the purpose of His coming is to bring salvation. Concerning this salvation, the Bible says that it is not for everyone to receive, but it will only be given to those who are waiting for Him. In order to receive the salvation which second coming Christ brings, we need to be the ones who are waiting for Him; however in order to wait for Him, we need to know where He will appear. How can we wait for Him, if we do not know where He is going to appear?
Christ must appear in Zion
We need to find out according to Bible where is the place in which second coming Christ will appear, in order for us not to be deceived by a false Christ. Where can we put our trust?
Isaiah 28:16 – So this is what the Sovereign Lord says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who trusts will never be dismayed.
God tells us that in Zion He will lay a stone, and that whoever puts their trust here will never be dismayed. Then what is this stone that has been laid as the cornerstone and foundation for Zion?
Acts 4:10-11 — … It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth … He is “the stone you builders rejected, which has become the capstone.
According to the Bible Christ is that stone which is mentioned in Isaiah, He is the one who is the sure foundation to Zion, and whoever trusts in the Christ which is found in Zion will never be dismayed. As it is written in 1 Peter:
1 Peter 2:4-8 – As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him—you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For in scriptures it says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame…
Apostle Peter understood that the prophecy of the Stone in Zion was about how the Christ would become the foundation to Zion. Now if Christ is the foundation to Zion, this means that we can always meet the Christ in Zion.
Psalm 132:13-14 – For the Lord has chosen Zion, he has desired it for his dwelling: “This is my resting place for ever and ever; here I will sit enthroned, for I have desired it…
God chose Zion as His dwelling place forever and ever, that is why God appeared in Zion 2,000 years ago at His first coming, and in the same way, He will appear in Zion at His second coming. It doesn’t matter how many times God decides to come to this earth; He will always appear in Zion, for God said that Zion is His dwelling place forever and ever.
The WMSCOG is Zion
How can we recognize what place is Zion among all the places on this earth; is it the physical Zion found in the middle east? Or is it a spiritual place? Lets see what the Bible says:
Hebrews 12:22-24 – But you have come to Mount Zion … to the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. You have come to God, the judge of all men … to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant…
According to the Bible, Zion is a church. Then what characteristics does a Church need to have to be recognized as Zion?
Isaiah 33:20 – Look upon Zion, the city of our festivals…
Zion is the Church that keeps the feasts of the New Covenant (Lev 23), that is:
• The Sabbath
• The Passover
• The Feast of Unleavened Bread
• The Feast of Firstfruits (Resurrection)
• The Feast of Weeks (Pentecost)
• The Feast of Trumpets
• The Day of Atonement
• The Feast of Tabernacles
The feasts above are the 7 feasts of God, in addition to the weekly feast of the Sabbath; these are the feasts that need to be kept in a Church in order for the Church to be recognized as Zion. In the World, it is only the WMSCOG that keeps all the feasts of God, and for this reason we are confident that we are in Zion.
Then according to Matthew 24, for those who are already in Zion, who have met second coming Christ Ahnsahnghong, if someone says: “Here is he Christ or there he is” do not believe it, for we are sure that the savior always appears in Zion, and that savior is Christ Ahnsahnghong.
Romans 11:26 — …The deliverer will come from Zion…